

Wait For Interrupt with Timeout is a hint instruction that indicates that the PE can enter a low-power state and remain there until either a local timeout event or a wakeup event occurs. For more information, see Wait For Interrupt.

As described in Wait For Interrupt, the execution of a WFIT instruction that would otherwise cause entry to a low-power state can be trapped to a higher Exception level.


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1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Rd


if !IsFeatureImplemented(FEAT_WFxT) then UNDEFINED;

integer d = UInt(Rd);

Assembler Symbols


Is the 64-bit name of the general-purpose source register, encoded in the "Rd" field.


integer localtimeout = UInt(X[d, 64]);

if Halted() && ConstrainUnpredictableBool(Unpredictable_WFxTDEBUG) then

Hint_WFI(localtimeout, WFxType_WFIT);