
CCMN (immediate)

Conditional Compare Negative (immediate) sets the value of the condition flags to the result of the comparison of a register value and a negated immediate value if the condition is TRUE, and an immediate value otherwise.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
sf 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 imm5 cond 1 0 Rn 0 nzcv

32-bit (sf == 0)

CCMN <Wn>, #<imm>, #<nzcv>, <cond>

64-bit (sf == 1)

CCMN <Xn>, #<imm>, #<nzcv>, <cond>

integer n = UInt(Rn);
constant integer datasize = 32 << UInt(sf);
bits(4) flags = nzcv;
bits(datasize) imm = ZeroExtend(imm5, datasize);

Assembler Symbols


Is the 32-bit name of the first general-purpose source register, encoded in the "Rn" field.


Is the 64-bit name of the first general-purpose source register, encoded in the "Rn" field.


Is a five bit unsigned (positive) immediate encoded in the "imm5" field.


Is the flag bit specifier, an immediate in the range 0 to 15, giving the alternative state for the 4-bit NZCV condition flags, encoded in the "nzcv" field.


Is one of the standard conditions, encoded in the "cond" field in the standard way.


if ConditionHolds(cond) then
    bits(datasize) operand1 = X[n, datasize];
    (-, flags) = AddWithCarry(operand1, imm, '0');
PSTATE.<N,Z,C,V> = flags;

Operational information