ARMv8 documentation

Base instructions

ABSAbsolute value.
ADCAdd with Carry.
ADCSAdd with Carry, setting flags.
ADD (extended register)Add (extended register).
ADD (immediate)Add (immediate).
ADD (shifted register)Add (shifted register).
ADDGAdd with Tag.
ADDPTAdd checked pointer.
ADDS (extended register)Add (extended register), setting flags.
ADDS (immediate)Add (immediate), setting flags.
ADDS (shifted register)Add (shifted register), setting flags.
ADRForm PC-relative address.
ADRPForm PC-relative address to 4KB page.
AND (immediate)Bitwise AND (immediate).
AND (shifted register)Bitwise AND (shifted register).
ANDS (immediate)Bitwise AND (immediate), setting flags.
ANDS (shifted register)Bitwise AND (shifted register), setting flags.
ASR (immediate)Arithmetic Shift Right (immediate): an alias of SBFM.
ASR (register)Arithmetic Shift Right (register): an alias of ASRV.
ASRVArithmetic Shift Right Variable.
ATAddress Translate: an alias of SYS.
AUTDA, AUTDZAAuthenticate Data address, using key A.
AUTDB, AUTDZBAuthenticate Data address, using key B.
AUTIA, AUTIA1716, AUTIASP, AUTIAZ, AUTIZAAuthenticate Instruction address, using key A.
AUTIASPPC (immediate)Authenticate return address, using key A (immediate).
AUTIASPPC (register)Authenticate return address, using key A (register).
AUTIB, AUTIB1716, AUTIBSP, AUTIBZ, AUTIZBAuthenticate Instruction address, using key B.
AUTIBSPPC (immediate)Authenticate return address, using key B (immediate).
AUTIBSPPC (register)Authenticate return address, using key B (register).
AXFLAGConvert floating-point condition flags from Arm to external format.
B.condBranch conditionally.
BC.condBranch Consistent conditionally.
BFCBitfield Clear: an alias of BFM.
BFIBitfield Insert: an alias of BFM.
BFMBitfield Move.
BFXILBitfield extract and insert at low end: an alias of BFM.
BIC (shifted register)Bitwise Bit Clear (shifted register).
BICS (shifted register)Bitwise Bit Clear (shifted register), setting flags.
BLBranch with Link.
BLRBranch with Link to Register.
BLRAA, BLRAAZ, BLRAB, BLRABZBranch with Link to Register, with pointer authentication.
BRBranch to Register.
BRAA, BRAAZ, BRAB, BRABZBranch to Register, with pointer authentication.
BRBBranch Record Buffer: an alias of SYS.
BRKBreakpoint instruction.
BTIBranch Target Identification.
CAS, CASA, CASAL, CASLCompare and Swap word or doubleword in memory.
CASB, CASAB, CASALB, CASLBCompare and Swap byte in memory.
CASH, CASAH, CASALH, CASLHCompare and Swap halfword in memory.
CASP, CASPA, CASPAL, CASPLCompare and Swap Pair of words or doublewords in memory.
CBNZCompare and Branch on Nonzero.
CBZCompare and Branch on Zero.
CCMN (immediate)Conditional Compare Negative (immediate).
CCMN (register)Conditional Compare Negative (register).
CCMP (immediate)Conditional Compare (immediate).
CCMP (register)Conditional Compare (register).
CFINVInvert Carry Flag.
CFPControl Flow Prediction Restriction by Context: an alias of SYS.
CHKFEATCheck feature status.
CINCConditional Increment: an alias of CSINC.
CINVConditional Invert: an alias of CSINV.
CLRBHBClear Branch History.
CLREXClear Exclusive.
CLSCount Leading Sign bits.
CLZCount Leading Zeros.
CMN (extended register)Compare Negative (extended register): an alias of ADDS (extended register).
CMN (immediate)Compare Negative (immediate): an alias of ADDS (immediate).
CMN (shifted register)Compare Negative (shifted register): an alias of ADDS (shifted register).
CMP (extended register)Compare (extended register): an alias of SUBS (extended register).
CMP (immediate)Compare (immediate): an alias of SUBS (immediate).
CMP (shifted register)Compare (shifted register): an alias of SUBS (shifted register).
CMPPCompare with Tag: an alias of SUBPS.
CNEGConditional Negate: an alias of CSNEG.
CNTCount bits.
COSPClear Other Speculative Prediction Restriction by Context: an alias of SYS.
CPPCache Prefetch Prediction Restriction by Context: an alias of SYS.
CPYFP, CPYFM, CPYFEMemory Copy Forward-only.
CPYFPN, CPYFMN, CPYFENMemory Copy Forward-only, reads and writes non-temporal.
CPYFPRN, CPYFMRN, CPYFERNMemory Copy Forward-only, reads non-temporal.
CPYFPRT, CPYFMRT, CPYFERTMemory Copy Forward-only, reads unprivileged.
CPYFPRTN, CPYFMRTN, CPYFERTNMemory Copy Forward-only, reads unprivileged, reads and writes non-temporal.
CPYFPRTRN, CPYFMRTRN, CPYFERTRNMemory Copy Forward-only, reads unprivileged and non-temporal.
CPYFPRTWN, CPYFMRTWN, CPYFERTWNMemory Copy Forward-only, reads unprivileged, writes non-temporal.
CPYFPT, CPYFMT, CPYFETMemory Copy Forward-only, reads and writes unprivileged.
CPYFPTN, CPYFMTN, CPYFETNMemory Copy Forward-only, reads and writes unprivileged and non-temporal.
CPYFPTRN, CPYFMTRN, CPYFETRNMemory Copy Forward-only, reads and writes unprivileged, reads non-temporal.
CPYFPTWN, CPYFMTWN, CPYFETWNMemory Copy Forward-only, reads and writes unprivileged, writes non-temporal.
CPYFPWN, CPYFMWN, CPYFEWNMemory Copy Forward-only, writes non-temporal.
CPYFPWT, CPYFMWT, CPYFEWTMemory Copy Forward-only, writes unprivileged.
CPYFPWTN, CPYFMWTN, CPYFEWTNMemory Copy Forward-only, writes unprivileged, reads and writes non-temporal.
CPYFPWTRN, CPYFMWTRN, CPYFEWTRNMemory Copy Forward-only, writes unprivileged, reads non-temporal.
CPYFPWTWN, CPYFMWTWN, CPYFEWTWNMemory Copy Forward-only, writes unprivileged and non-temporal.
CPYP, CPYM, CPYEMemory Copy.
CPYPN, CPYMN, CPYENMemory Copy, reads and writes non-temporal.
CPYPRN, CPYMRN, CPYERNMemory Copy, reads non-temporal.
CPYPRT, CPYMRT, CPYERTMemory Copy, reads unprivileged.
CPYPRTN, CPYMRTN, CPYERTNMemory Copy, reads unprivileged, reads and writes non-temporal.
CPYPRTRN, CPYMRTRN, CPYERTRNMemory Copy, reads unprivileged and non-temporal.
CPYPRTWN, CPYMRTWN, CPYERTWNMemory Copy, reads unprivileged, writes non-temporal.
CPYPT, CPYMT, CPYETMemory Copy, reads and writes unprivileged.
CPYPTN, CPYMTN, CPYETNMemory Copy, reads and writes unprivileged and non-temporal.
CPYPTRN, CPYMTRN, CPYETRNMemory Copy, reads and writes unprivileged, reads non-temporal.
CPYPTWN, CPYMTWN, CPYETWNMemory Copy, reads and writes unprivileged, writes non-temporal.
CPYPWN, CPYMWN, CPYEWNMemory Copy, writes non-temporal.
CPYPWT, CPYMWT, CPYEWTMemory Copy, writes unprivileged.
CPYPWTN, CPYMWTN, CPYEWTNMemory Copy, writes unprivileged, reads and writes non-temporal.
CPYPWTRN, CPYMWTRN, CPYEWTRNMemory Copy, writes unprivileged, reads non-temporal.
CPYPWTWN, CPYMWTWN, CPYEWTWNMemory Copy, writes unprivileged and non-temporal.
CRC32B, CRC32H, CRC32W, CRC32XCRC32 checksum.
CRC32CB, CRC32CH, CRC32CW, CRC32CXCRC32C checksum.
CSDBConsumption of Speculative Data Barrier.
CSELConditional Select.
CSETConditional Set: an alias of CSINC.
CSETMConditional Set Mask: an alias of CSINV.
CSINCConditional Select Increment.
CSINVConditional Select Invert.
CSNEGConditional Select Negation.
CTZCount Trailing Zeros.
DCData Cache operation: an alias of SYS.
DCPS1Debug Change PE State to EL1.
DCPS2Debug Change PE State to EL2.
DCPS3Debug Change PE State to EL3.
DGHData Gathering Hint.
DMBData Memory Barrier.
DRPSDebug restore PE state.
DSBData Synchronization Barrier.
DVPData Value Prediction Restriction by Context: an alias of SYS.
EON (shifted register)Bitwise Exclusive-OR NOT (shifted register).
EOR (immediate)Bitwise Exclusive-OR (immediate).
EOR (shifted register)Bitwise Exclusive-OR (shifted register).
ERETException Return.
ERETAA, ERETABException Return, with pointer authentication.
ESBError Synchronization Barrier.
EXTRExtract register.
GCSBGuarded Control Stack Barrier.
GCSPOPCXGuarded Control Stack Pop and Compare exception return record: an alias of SYS.
GCSPOPMGuarded Control Stack Pop: an alias of SYSL.
GCSPOPXGuarded Control Stack Pop exception return record: an alias of SYS.
GCSPUSHMGuarded Control Stack Push: an alias of SYS.
GCSPUSHXGuarded Control Stack Push exception return record: an alias of SYS.
GCSSS1Guarded Control Stack Switch Stack 1: an alias of SYS.
GCSSS2Guarded Control Stack Switch Stack 2: an alias of SYSL.
GCSSTRGuarded Control Stack Store.
GCSSTTRGuarded Control Stack unprivileged Store.
GMITag Mask Insert.
HINTHint instruction.
HLTHalt instruction.
HVCHypervisor Call.
ICInstruction Cache operation: an alias of SYS.
IRGInsert Random Tag.
ISBInstruction Synchronization Barrier.
LD64BSingle-copy Atomic 64-byte Load.
LDADD, LDADDA, LDADDAL, LDADDLAtomic add on word or doubleword in memory.
LDADDB, LDADDAB, LDADDALB, LDADDLBAtomic add on byte in memory.
LDADDH, LDADDAH, LDADDALH, LDADDLHAtomic add on halfword in memory.
LDAPRLoad-Acquire RCpc Register.
LDAPRBLoad-Acquire RCpc Register Byte.
LDAPRHLoad-Acquire RCpc Register Halfword.
LDAPURLoad-Acquire RCpc Register (unscaled).
LDAPURBLoad-Acquire RCpc Register Byte (unscaled).
LDAPURHLoad-Acquire RCpc Register Halfword (unscaled).
LDAPURSBLoad-Acquire RCpc Register Signed Byte (unscaled).
LDAPURSHLoad-Acquire RCpc Register Signed Halfword (unscaled).
LDAPURSWLoad-Acquire RCpc Register Signed Word (unscaled).
LDARLoad-Acquire Register.
LDARBLoad-Acquire Register Byte.
LDARHLoad-Acquire Register Halfword.
LDAXPLoad-Acquire Exclusive Pair of Registers.
LDAXRLoad-Acquire Exclusive Register.
LDAXRBLoad-Acquire Exclusive Register Byte.
LDAXRHLoad-Acquire Exclusive Register Halfword.
LDCLR, LDCLRA, LDCLRAL, LDCLRLAtomic bit clear on word or doubleword in memory.
LDCLRB, LDCLRAB, LDCLRALB, LDCLRLBAtomic bit clear on byte in memory.
LDCLRH, LDCLRAH, LDCLRALH, LDCLRLHAtomic bit clear on halfword in memory.
LDCLRP, LDCLRPA, LDCLRPAL, LDCLRPLAtomic bit clear on quadword in memory.
LDEOR, LDEORA, LDEORAL, LDEORLAtomic Exclusive-OR on word or doubleword in memory.
LDEORB, LDEORAB, LDEORALB, LDEORLBAtomic Exclusive-OR on byte in memory.
LDEORH, LDEORAH, LDEORALH, LDEORLHAtomic Exclusive-OR on halfword in memory.
LDGLoad Allocation Tag.
LDGMLoad Tag Multiple.
LDIAPPLoad-Acquire RCpc ordered Pair of registers.
LDLARLoad LOAcquire Register.
LDLARBLoad LOAcquire Register Byte.
LDLARHLoad LOAcquire Register Halfword.
LDNPLoad Pair of Registers, with non-temporal hint.
LDPLoad Pair of Registers.
LDPSWLoad Pair of Registers Signed Word.
LDR (immediate)Load Register (immediate).
LDR (literal)Load Register (literal).
LDR (register)Load Register (register).
LDRAA, LDRABLoad Register, with pointer authentication.
LDRB (immediate)Load Register Byte (immediate).
LDRB (register)Load Register Byte (register).
LDRH (immediate)Load Register Halfword (immediate).
LDRH (register)Load Register Halfword (register).
LDRSB (immediate)Load Register Signed Byte (immediate).
LDRSB (register)Load Register Signed Byte (register).
LDRSH (immediate)Load Register Signed Halfword (immediate).
LDRSH (register)Load Register Signed Halfword (register).
LDRSW (immediate)Load Register Signed Word (immediate).
LDRSW (literal)Load Register Signed Word (literal).
LDRSW (register)Load Register Signed Word (register).
LDSET, LDSETA, LDSETAL, LDSETLAtomic bit set on word or doubleword in memory.
LDSETB, LDSETAB, LDSETALB, LDSETLBAtomic bit set on byte in memory.
LDSETH, LDSETAH, LDSETALH, LDSETLHAtomic bit set on halfword in memory.
LDSETP, LDSETPA, LDSETPAL, LDSETPLAtomic bit set on quadword in memory.
LDSMAX, LDSMAXA, LDSMAXAL, LDSMAXLAtomic signed maximum on word or doubleword in memory.
LDSMAXB, LDSMAXAB, LDSMAXALB, LDSMAXLBAtomic signed maximum on byte in memory.
LDSMAXH, LDSMAXAH, LDSMAXALH, LDSMAXLHAtomic signed maximum on halfword in memory.
LDSMIN, LDSMINA, LDSMINAL, LDSMINLAtomic signed minimum on word or doubleword in memory.
LDSMINB, LDSMINAB, LDSMINALB, LDSMINLBAtomic signed minimum on byte in memory.
LDSMINH, LDSMINAH, LDSMINALH, LDSMINLHAtomic signed minimum on halfword in memory.
LDTRLoad Register (unprivileged).
LDTRBLoad Register Byte (unprivileged).
LDTRHLoad Register Halfword (unprivileged).
LDTRSBLoad Register Signed Byte (unprivileged).
LDTRSHLoad Register Signed Halfword (unprivileged).
LDTRSWLoad Register Signed Word (unprivileged).
LDUMAX, LDUMAXA, LDUMAXAL, LDUMAXLAtomic unsigned maximum on word or doubleword in memory.
LDUMAXB, LDUMAXAB, LDUMAXALB, LDUMAXLBAtomic unsigned maximum on byte in memory.
LDUMAXH, LDUMAXAH, LDUMAXALH, LDUMAXLHAtomic unsigned maximum on halfword in memory.
LDUMIN, LDUMINA, LDUMINAL, LDUMINLAtomic unsigned minimum on word or doubleword in memory.
LDUMINB, LDUMINAB, LDUMINALB, LDUMINLBAtomic unsigned minimum on byte in memory.
LDUMINH, LDUMINAH, LDUMINALH, LDUMINLHAtomic unsigned minimum on halfword in memory.
LDURLoad Register (unscaled).
LDURBLoad Register Byte (unscaled).
LDURHLoad Register Halfword (unscaled).
LDURSBLoad Register Signed Byte (unscaled).
LDURSHLoad Register Signed Halfword (unscaled).
LDURSWLoad Register Signed Word (unscaled).
LDXPLoad Exclusive Pair of Registers.
LDXRLoad Exclusive Register.
LDXRBLoad Exclusive Register Byte.
LDXRHLoad Exclusive Register Halfword.
LSL (immediate)Logical Shift Left (immediate): an alias of UBFM.
LSL (register)Logical Shift Left (register): an alias of LSLV.
LSLVLogical Shift Left Variable.
LSR (immediate)Logical Shift Right (immediate): an alias of UBFM.
LSR (register)Logical Shift Right (register): an alias of LSRV.
LSRVLogical Shift Right Variable.
MADDPTMultiply-Add checked pointer.
MNEGMultiply-Negate: an alias of MSUB.
MOV (bitmask immediate)Move (bitmask immediate): an alias of ORR (immediate).
MOV (inverted wide immediate)Move (inverted wide immediate): an alias of MOVN.
MOV (register)Move (register): an alias of ORR (shifted register).
MOV (to/from SP)Move between register and stack pointer: an alias of ADD (immediate).
MOV (wide immediate)Move (wide immediate): an alias of MOVZ.
MOVKMove wide with keep.
MOVNMove wide with NOT.
MOVZMove wide with zero.
MRRSMove System Register to two adjacent general-purpose registers.
MRSMove System Register to general-purpose register.
MSR (immediate)Move immediate value to Special Register.
MSR (register)Move general-purpose register to System Register.
MSRRMove two adjacent general-purpose registers to System Register.
MSUBPTMultiply-Subtract checked pointer.
MULMultiply: an alias of MADD.
MVNBitwise NOT: an alias of ORN (shifted register).
NEG (shifted register)Negate (shifted register): an alias of SUB (shifted register).
NEGSNegate, setting flags: an alias of SUBS (shifted register).
NGCNegate with Carry: an alias of SBC.
NGCSNegate with Carry, setting flags: an alias of SBCS.
NOPNo Operation.
ORN (shifted register)Bitwise OR NOT (shifted register).
ORR (immediate)Bitwise OR (immediate).
ORR (shifted register)Bitwise OR (shifted register).
PACDA, PACDZAPointer Authentication Code for Data address, using key A.
PACDB, PACDZBPointer Authentication Code for Data address, using key B.
PACGAPointer Authentication Code, using Generic key.
PACIA, PACIA1716, PACIASP, PACIAZ, PACIZAPointer Authentication Code for Instruction address, using key A.
PACIASPPCPointer Authentication Code for return address, using key A.
PACIB, PACIB1716, PACIBSP, PACIBZ, PACIZBPointer Authentication Code for Instruction address, using key B.
PACIBSPPCPointer Authentication Code for return address, using key B.
PACMPointer authentication modifier.
PACNBIASPPCPointer Authentication Code for return address, using key A, not a Branch Target.
PACNBIBSPPCPointer Authentication Code for return address, using key B, not a Branch Target.
PRFM (immediate)Prefetch Memory (immediate).
PRFM (literal)Prefetch Memory (literal).
PRFM (register)Prefetch Memory (register).
PRFUMPrefetch Memory (unscaled offset).
PSBProfiling Synchronization Barrier.
PSSBBPhysical Speculative Store Bypass Barrier: an alias of DSB.
RBITReverse Bits.
RCWCAS, RCWCASA, RCWCASL, RCWCASALRead Check Write Compare and Swap doubleword in memory.
RCWCASP, RCWCASPA, RCWCASPL, RCWCASPALRead Check Write Compare and Swap quadword in memory.
RCWCLR, RCWCLRA, RCWCLRL, RCWCLRALRead Check Write atomic bit Clear on doubleword in memory.
RCWCLRP, RCWCLRPA, RCWCLRPL, RCWCLRPALRead Check Write atomic bit Clear on quadword in memory.
RCWSCAS, RCWSCASA, RCWSCASL, RCWSCASALRead Check Write Software Compare and Swap doubleword in memory.
RCWSCASP, RCWSCASPA, RCWSCASPL, RCWSCASPALRead Check Write Software Compare and Swap quadword in memory.
RCWSCLR, RCWSCLRA, RCWSCLRL, RCWSCLRALRead Check Write Software atomic bit Clear on doubleword in memory.
RCWSCLRP, RCWSCLRPA, RCWSCLRPL, RCWSCLRPALRead Check Write Software atomic bit Clear on quadword in memory.
RCWSET, RCWSETA, RCWSETL, RCWSETALRead Check Write atomic bit Set on doubleword in memory.
RCWSETP, RCWSETPA, RCWSETPL, RCWSETPALRead Check Write atomic bit Set on quadword in memory.
RCWSSET, RCWSSETA, RCWSSETL, RCWSSETALRead Check Write Software atomic bit Set on doubleword in memory.
RCWSSETP, RCWSSETPA, RCWSSETPL, RCWSSETPALRead Check Write Software atomic bit Set on quadword in memory.
RCWSSWP, RCWSSWPA, RCWSSWPL, RCWSSWPALRead Check Write Software Swap doubleword in memory.
RCWSSWPP, RCWSSWPPA, RCWSSWPPL, RCWSSWPPALRead Check Write Software Swap quadword in memory.
RCWSWP, RCWSWPA, RCWSWPL, RCWSWPALRead Check Write Swap doubleword in memory.
RCWSWPP, RCWSWPPA, RCWSWPPL, RCWSWPPALRead Check Write Swap quadword in memory.
RETReturn from subroutine.
RETAA, RETABReturn from subroutine, with pointer authentication.
RETAASPPC, RETABSPPC (immediate)Return from subroutine, with enhanced pointer authentication return (immediate).
RETAASPPC, RETABSPPC (register)Return from subroutine, with enhanced pointer authentication return (register).
REVReverse Bytes.
REV16Reverse bytes in 16-bit halfwords.
REV32Reverse bytes in 32-bit words.
REV64Reverse Bytes: an alias of REV.
RMIFRotate, Mask Insert Flags.
ROR (immediate)Rotate right (immediate): an alias of EXTR.
ROR (register)Rotate Right (register): an alias of RORV.
RORVRotate Right Variable.
RPRFMRange Prefetch Memory.
SBSpeculation Barrier.
SBCSubtract with Carry.
SBCSSubtract with Carry, setting flags.
SBFIZSigned Bitfield Insert in Zero: an alias of SBFM.
SBFMSigned Bitfield Move.
SBFXSigned Bitfield Extract: an alias of SBFM.
SDIVSigned Divide.
SETF8, SETF16Evaluation of 8 or 16 bit flag values.
SETGP, SETGM, SETGEMemory Set with tag setting.
SETGPN, SETGMN, SETGENMemory Set with tag setting, non-temporal.
SETGPT, SETGMT, SETGETMemory Set with tag setting, unprivileged.
SETGPTN, SETGMTN, SETGETNMemory Set with tag setting, unprivileged and non-temporal.
SETPN, SETMN, SETENMemory Set, non-temporal.
SETPT, SETMT, SETETMemory Set, unprivileged.
SETPTN, SETMTN, SETETNMemory Set, unprivileged and non-temporal.
SEVSend Event.
SEVLSend Event Local.
SMADDLSigned Multiply-Add Long.
SMAX (immediate)Signed Maximum (immediate).
SMAX (register)Signed Maximum (register).
SMCSecure Monitor Call.
SMIN (immediate)Signed Minimum (immediate).
SMIN (register)Signed Minimum (register).
SMNEGLSigned Multiply-Negate Long: an alias of SMSUBL.
SMSTARTEnables access to Streaming SVE mode and SME architectural state: an alias of MSR (immediate).
SMSTOPDisables access to Streaming SVE mode and SME architectural state: an alias of MSR (immediate).
SMSUBLSigned Multiply-Subtract Long.
SMULHSigned Multiply High.
SMULLSigned Multiply Long: an alias of SMADDL.
SSBBSpeculative Store Bypass Barrier: an alias of DSB.
ST2GStore Allocation Tags.
ST64BSingle-copy Atomic 64-byte Store without status result.
ST64BVSingle-copy Atomic 64-byte Store with status result.
ST64BV0Single-copy Atomic 64-byte EL0 Store with status result.
STADD, STADDLAtomic add on word or doubleword in memory, without return: an alias of LDADD, LDADDA, LDADDAL, LDADDL.
STADDB, STADDLBAtomic add on byte in memory, without return: an alias of LDADDB, LDADDAB, LDADDALB, LDADDLB.
STADDH, STADDLHAtomic add on halfword in memory, without return: an alias of LDADDH, LDADDAH, LDADDALH, LDADDLH.
STCLR, STCLRLAtomic bit clear on word or doubleword in memory, without return: an alias of LDCLR, LDCLRA, LDCLRAL, LDCLRL.
STCLRB, STCLRLBAtomic bit clear on byte in memory, without return: an alias of LDCLRB, LDCLRAB, LDCLRALB, LDCLRLB.
STCLRH, STCLRLHAtomic bit clear on halfword in memory, without return: an alias of LDCLRH, LDCLRAH, LDCLRALH, LDCLRLH.
STEOR, STEORLAtomic Exclusive-OR on word or doubleword in memory, without return: an alias of LDEOR, LDEORA, LDEORAL, LDEORL.
STEORB, STEORLBAtomic Exclusive-OR on byte in memory, without return: an alias of LDEORB, LDEORAB, LDEORALB, LDEORLB.
STEORH, STEORLHAtomic Exclusive-OR on halfword in memory, without return: an alias of LDEORH, LDEORAH, LDEORALH, LDEORLH.
STGStore Allocation Tag.
STGMStore Tag Multiple.
STGPStore Allocation Tag and Pair of registers.
STILPStore-Release ordered Pair of registers.
STLLRStore LORelease Register.
STLLRBStore LORelease Register Byte.
STLLRHStore LORelease Register Halfword.
STLRStore-Release Register.
STLRBStore-Release Register Byte.
STLRHStore-Release Register Halfword.
STLURStore-Release Register (unscaled).
STLURBStore-Release Register Byte (unscaled).
STLURHStore-Release Register Halfword (unscaled).
STLXPStore-Release Exclusive Pair of registers.
STLXRStore-Release Exclusive Register.
STLXRBStore-Release Exclusive Register Byte.
STLXRHStore-Release Exclusive Register Halfword.
STNPStore Pair of Registers, with non-temporal hint.
STPStore Pair of Registers.
STR (immediate)Store Register (immediate).
STR (register)Store Register (register).
STRB (immediate)Store Register Byte (immediate).
STRB (register)Store Register Byte (register).
STRH (immediate)Store Register Halfword (immediate).
STRH (register)Store Register Halfword (register).
STSET, STSETLAtomic bit set on word or doubleword in memory, without return: an alias of LDSET, LDSETA, LDSETAL, LDSETL.
STSETB, STSETLBAtomic bit set on byte in memory, without return: an alias of LDSETB, LDSETAB, LDSETALB, LDSETLB.
STSETH, STSETLHAtomic bit set on halfword in memory, without return: an alias of LDSETH, LDSETAH, LDSETALH, LDSETLH.
STSMAX, STSMAXLAtomic signed maximum on word or doubleword in memory, without return: an alias of LDSMAX, LDSMAXA, LDSMAXAL, LDSMAXL.
STSMAXB, STSMAXLBAtomic signed maximum on byte in memory, without return: an alias of LDSMAXB, LDSMAXAB, LDSMAXALB, LDSMAXLB.
STSMAXH, STSMAXLHAtomic signed maximum on halfword in memory, without return: an alias of LDSMAXH, LDSMAXAH, LDSMAXALH, LDSMAXLH.
STSMIN, STSMINLAtomic signed minimum on word or doubleword in memory, without return: an alias of LDSMIN, LDSMINA, LDSMINAL, LDSMINL.
STSMINB, STSMINLBAtomic signed minimum on byte in memory, without return: an alias of LDSMINB, LDSMINAB, LDSMINALB, LDSMINLB.
STSMINH, STSMINLHAtomic signed minimum on halfword in memory, without return: an alias of LDSMINH, LDSMINAH, LDSMINALH, LDSMINLH.
STTRStore Register (unprivileged).
STTRBStore Register Byte (unprivileged).
STTRHStore Register Halfword (unprivileged).
STUMAX, STUMAXLAtomic unsigned maximum on word or doubleword in memory, without return: an alias of LDUMAX, LDUMAXA, LDUMAXAL, LDUMAXL.
STUMAXB, STUMAXLBAtomic unsigned maximum on byte in memory, without return: an alias of LDUMAXB, LDUMAXAB, LDUMAXALB, LDUMAXLB.
STUMAXH, STUMAXLHAtomic unsigned maximum on halfword in memory, without return: an alias of LDUMAXH, LDUMAXAH, LDUMAXALH, LDUMAXLH.
STUMIN, STUMINLAtomic unsigned minimum on word or doubleword in memory, without return: an alias of LDUMIN, LDUMINA, LDUMINAL, LDUMINL.
STUMINB, STUMINLBAtomic unsigned minimum on byte in memory, without return: an alias of LDUMINB, LDUMINAB, LDUMINALB, LDUMINLB.
STUMINH, STUMINLHAtomic unsigned minimum on halfword in memory, without return: an alias of LDUMINH, LDUMINAH, LDUMINALH, LDUMINLH.
STURStore Register (unscaled).
STURBStore Register Byte (unscaled).
STURHStore Register Halfword (unscaled).
STXPStore Exclusive Pair of registers.
STXRStore Exclusive Register.
STXRBStore Exclusive Register Byte.
STXRHStore Exclusive Register Halfword.
STZ2GStore Allocation Tags, Zeroing.
STZGStore Allocation Tag, Zeroing.
STZGMStore Tag and Zero Multiple.
SUB (extended register)Subtract (extended register).
SUB (immediate)Subtract (immediate).
SUB (shifted register)Subtract (shifted register).
SUBGSubtract with Tag.
SUBPSubtract Pointer.
SUBPSSubtract Pointer, setting Flags.
SUBPTSubtract checked pointer.
SUBS (extended register)Subtract (extended register), setting flags.
SUBS (immediate)Subtract (immediate), setting flags.
SUBS (shifted register)Subtract (shifted register), setting flags.
SVCSupervisor Call.
SWP, SWPA, SWPAL, SWPLSwap word or doubleword in memory.
SWPB, SWPAB, SWPALB, SWPLBSwap byte in memory.
SWPH, SWPAH, SWPALH, SWPLHSwap halfword in memory.
SWPP, SWPPA, SWPPAL, SWPPLSwap quadword in memory.
SXTBSigned Extend Byte: an alias of SBFM.
SXTHSign Extend Halfword: an alias of SBFM.
SXTWSign Extend Word: an alias of SBFM.
SYSSystem instruction.
SYSLSystem instruction with result.
SYSP128-bit System instruction.
TBNZTest bit and Branch if Nonzero.
TBZTest bit and Branch if Zero.
TCANCELCancel current transaction.
TCOMMITCommit current transaction.
TLBITLB Invalidate operation: an alias of SYS.
TLBIPTLB Invalidate Pair operation: an alias of SYSP.
TRCITTrace Instrumentation: an alias of SYS.
TSBTrace Synchronization Barrier.
TST (immediate)Test bits (immediate): an alias of ANDS (immediate).
TST (shifted register)Test (shifted register): an alias of ANDS (shifted register).
TSTARTStart transaction.
TTESTTest transaction state.
UBFIZUnsigned Bitfield Insert in Zero: an alias of UBFM.
UBFMUnsigned Bitfield Move.
UBFXUnsigned Bitfield Extract: an alias of UBFM.
UDFPermanently Undefined.
UDIVUnsigned Divide.
UMADDLUnsigned Multiply-Add Long.
UMAX (immediate)Unsigned Maximum (immediate).
UMAX (register)Unsigned Maximum (register).
UMIN (immediate)Unsigned Minimum (immediate).
UMIN (register)Unsigned Minimum (register).
UMNEGLUnsigned Multiply-Negate Long: an alias of UMSUBL.
UMSUBLUnsigned Multiply-Subtract Long.
UMULHUnsigned Multiply High.
UMULLUnsigned Multiply Long: an alias of UMADDL.
UXTBUnsigned Extend Byte: an alias of UBFM.
UXTHUnsigned Extend Halfword: an alias of UBFM.
WFEWait For Event.
WFETWait For Event with Timeout.
WFIWait For Interrupt.
WFITWait For Interrupt with Timeout.
XAFLAGConvert floating-point condition flags from external format to Arm format.
XPACD, XPACI, XPACLRIStrip Pointer Authentication Code.